
3 steps to assert yourself tactfully

21 January 2020

Dr. Vesna Grubacevic

Dr. Vesna Grubacevic is an author of the Amazon best-selling book, ‘Stop Sabotaging Your Confidence'.

Asserting yourself in the workplace is now as easy as three steps.

What is preventing you from asserting yourself with your prospects, clients or colleagues? Do you worry about being rude or pushy? Are you concerned about having a confrontation with another person?

Here are three steps that will help you assert yourself more tactfully.

1. Reflect on past events 

Think about the last three times you neglected to assert yourself with your prospects, clients or colleagues. What stopped you from voicing your opinion or standing up for yourself?

As you think about those times, ask yourself:

  • What was I thinking about just prior to wanting to assert myself?
  • How was I feeling at that time?
  • Were my thoughts and feelings positive or negative?

Write down everything that comes to mind around these three scenarios now.

As you read through your replies to the above questions, what do you notice? Are there any beliefs holding you back from asserting yourself (for example, fear of confrontation, fear of a negative reaction, not wanting to be pushy or rude, pleasing others, and so forth)?

First, it is important to address any limiting beliefs that you have identified, as these insecurities will continue to affect how you think and act, including whether you assert yourself. Then it’s also important to have strategies to assert yourself tactfully.

2. Clarify your desired outcome

Most people are unclear about what they want to achieve in their communication with their prospects, clients or colleagues. In the absence of that clarity they find it difficult to know what to say and how to say it. Once you have that clarity, it is far easier to achieve your desired outcome because you will then know what to say and how to say it.

Think about your next conversation. What specifically would you like to achieve? For example, do you want to be assertive or achieve something else?

Next, think about how you will know that you have succeeded, for example, at being assertive. Will you know by the facial expression you receive from your prospect, client or colleague? Or will you know by their verbal feedback, by changes in their posture, by how you think or by how you feel?

Finally, think about what you will say and how you will say it, so that you achieve what you have set out to do. Which words will you use? Which tone of voice, facial expression, and posture will be most effective? Ensure that your tone of voice, words, facial expression and posture all match the message you wish to send.

3. Disagree with tact

If the response you receive from your prospect, client or colleague is one of disagreement with your comments to them, avoid disagreeing with them directly. If you disagree with them directly, this could end up in an argument. Instead, if you do disagree with them or wish to present an alternative view, do it with tact.

In response, you could say: “I appreciate your view and (put in your reply).” Notice that I have used the word ‘and’ instead of ‘but’. Avoid using ‘but’ when disagreeing with your prospect, client or colleague. If you say “I appreciate that but…”, on a subconscious level, you are dismissing what the other person has just said, which could lead to a disagreement or misunderstanding. ‘But’ is very dismissive. Instead, use ‘and’.

Three easy steps

Asserting yourself is now as easy as three steps:

  1. Most importantly, identify and address any limiting beliefs and insecurities that prevent you from being assertive.
  2. Clarify what you want to achieve in your communication.
  3. If you need to disagree with your prospect, client or colleague, do it with tact.